Turpentine Wine Puts a Nice Touch on Pledge Drive
Fall pledge drive kicked off for "Live From Studio 5!" on Wednesday, September 17. The phones were not ringing off the hook, even so we did get SOME much-appreciated support but we still have a long way to go.For those who stepped up, thank you, and for those who have not yet voted for "Live From Studio 5!" with a pledge, you can do so anytime by just clicking here: https://dnbweb1.blackbaud.com/OPXDONATE/AddDonor.asp?cguid=9941309F-4E3B-4FA6-9CB2-7631936E80C7&sid=49B51E5B-F627-49B0-AFC0-AB85C1F29E99
Now how simple is that? Do it now, please.

Brought together by no real notable world event or strange coincidence, Lisa Rowland and Bronson Bergeson have teamed up to create great new music.
This may happen more than I know, but it was a first for me, Lisa and Bronson debuted a brand new song they had just finished writing thirty minutes before going on the air.

Bronson is also a member of Hell Country Truckers, who have been on our show previously. The Hell Country Truckers consist of:
Bronson Bergeson (Lead Guitar/Pedal Steel/Vox)
Jake Galzki (Acoustic Guitar/Lead Vox)
Tim "Buck" Paulson (Bass/Vox)
Aaron Seevers (Drums/Vox)
Check them out while you are searching for great music.
Here is a video of the Truckers' performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRVCZHKS5X0&list=UUMeJC71i9gFjLQ8jjM2DHWA
Incidentally this video is pushing ONE THOUSAND views! (I just watched this video for the first time in three and a half years. I had forgotten how GREAT it is! - Thug.)
The video from that show can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI-jXGg8I_U&list=UUMeJC71i9gFjLQ8jjM2DHWATo find out more about Turpentine Wine, go to: http://turpentinewine.com/
Here are the latest “Live From Studio 5!” Flickr pix from this show which was originally broadcast on September 17, 2014: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kfai-fm/sets/72157647752695102/
The show was hosted by Cher Dial, Casey Moo, Dew Glass and Doug The Thug and was a Pledge Drive edition.
The FOREVER archives of the show is here:https://archive.org/details/221TurpentineWinePledge
One more time. Make a pledge at ANY time. This is highly encouraged. These archives will last forever but if you don’t help fund KFAI, it may be GONE soon. All you gotta do is click here:
The FOREVER archives of the show is here:https://archive.org/details/221TurpentineWinePledge
One more time. Make a pledge at ANY time. This is highly encouraged. These archives will last forever but if you don’t help fund KFAI, it may be GONE soon. All you gotta do is click here:
Do it now.
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