Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Cause, Uptown

With all the excitement of the last couple months finally simmering down, I've been trying very hard to reestablish my introvert status.

Making concerted efforts at "self time" and reflection, meditation and hiding from roommates...
Yet, even with a staunch commitment to solitude, by 8pm I'd watched enough Netflix, paged Tumblr dry and even updated my Facebook status. I had no choice but to go up Lowry Hill for some wine.

By that point I was lonely of course, and had to hit the streets.

Though I've been in this neighborhood for 5 months, I'm only now discovering some of what it has to offer. The Lowry for example has delicious breakfast, this after months of lamenting of NO PLACE to have someone else cook eggs for you a la Hard Times.

The Cause Sound Bar is another one of those places.

After a ska show at the Nomad last spring, someone told me to check out another band at the Cause. "Free show!" they said, "And right in Uptown!" I was excited because I was just about to move to that area, so many possibilities!

Aaaand, a whole season later, I finally checked it out.

There were two bands playing, "The Blonde Stripes," a White Stripes Tribute band, and "The Word Party." Simply the name, The Word Party was enough to intrigue me. Being a nerd myself, I love words! Why not party? That, and it brings to mind thoughts of Scrabble and vast vocabularies. I showed up for the last few songs, got my dance on, and then went out side to socialize... I admittedly did not see any of the other band.

I talked to Nick, the Word Party's guitar player, and was truly impressed when it was HE telling me about Rasputin's notable appendages, and not the other way around. Like it usually is.

I think "Nerd Rock" is an appropriate genre for me.

Anyway, I had to make a phone call, and my blog vibe is shot. Whatever the case, The Cause is great, free shows, cheap beer, near by, and I had an excellent time rocking out with fellow nerds. Here's a city pages article:

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