Thursday, January 7, 2016

With Heavy Heart and Tearful Eye, We Bid Studio 5! Goodbye

On the night before New Years Eve, opening up with the soothing and sultry voice of Douglas Solomon aka Dew Glass and the classic “Doug The Thug” theme song (lyrics by Doug The Thug, music and arrangement by Casey Moo and the fiery vocals of Lady Tobalyas), the last airing of the greatest show of the last 50,000 years occurred. Celebrating Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Festivus, and every other holiday in the book, Doug once again boasted his hosting prowess amid an armada of comical co-hosts, a musical militia of artists, and a consistent touch of professional buffoonery. Joining the beloved Thug in the studio that night was basically the best of the best, including Barbara With, Lonnie Knight, Arne Fogel, and Jim Steinworth. For the music of the night, Fogel, Knight, With, and Steinworth provided a plethora of deliciously delicate musical sounds, Barry Thomas Goldberg laid down some sanguine acoustic subtleties, and Gretchen Seichrist and Christopher Thompson as The Lonesome Kid laid out a lavish lot of beautiful tunes via voice, keys, and strings. 

    Sentimental types, be warned - the amount of nostalgia on this show might be enough to induce whiplash. The original volunteer crew showed up to ride the night out, including Casey Moo (who, as mentioned above, wrote the music for Doug’s beloved theme song), MJ Gilmore, the original co-host, Kelly Kongsgaard, Georgia Cady, and sound dudes Clay Kennedy and Tom Chance. The ole’ crew gathered round for campfire tales of old times, recurring musicians, great tunes and camaraderie. I’ll bet you $7 there wasn’t a dry eye in the place, folks.

    Throughout the last five years, Live From Studio 5! has provided a beautiful service for musicians of all circumstances. Regardless of genre, style, appearance, perspective, or instrument choice, the show hosted a massive array of talented bands and artists, both from Minnesota and over the hills and far away. With Doug’s sarcasm and razor sharp wit, Cher Dial’s pure heart and serene kindness, Wyatt’s sound prowess, Ryan’s expert photography, videography, and lighting skills, and Laurence Sputnik’s ingenious engineering, the show provided an opportunity for up-and-coming musicians to be heard not only around the twin cities but the world as well. This show, its people, and those it has inspired will live on as a legacy, a modern staple in the Twin Cities music scene and an embodiment of the importance of roots radio and what it does for music everywhere. But alas, as with all legacies, there comes a time to tearfully say goodbye, to acknowledge that it is perhaps no longer yours, but now the universe’s. As the Thug himself always says: “if I don’t see you in the future, I’ll see you in the pasture.” This is Seth Hynes “Dash” Marquette, your lovable blogster, signing off one last time.

If you missed this show live, you can hear that or any of our other 277 shows again and again at ANY time from ANYWHERE on the planet, except North Korea, on our FOREVER archives which will be there long long after the crew has all croaked:
That goes as well for the Flickr pics from every one of those shows here:

And usually you can find a video from the shows on our You Tube site which has had 150,000 views to date and still counting:
And blogs from previous shows can be read here:
The KFAI website for Live From Studio 5! is here:
Oh, yeah, one more thing.  Humor the thug by clicking here: