To some, Laura Lou and her Loungeabouts might simply be delivering their interpretation of the female-folky bliss that recent greats like Caroline Smith or The Head and the Heart have brought to the table. To others, she may reflect a soft, reticent Southern touch, one that might conjure an image of fresh eggs and two-percent milk preparing to be consumed. To this writer, they are an amalgam of everything above and more, proceeding to blend hints of jazz and silky R&B, while intermittently adding punchy acoustic drum breaks dished out by drummer Tommy Jacobs. Laura’s ukelele tells a soft tale of life’s yearned-for simplicity and relationships gone both right and wrong. Becky Shaheen’s piano adds a layer of stately finesse atop her subtle-twang harmonies, while Chris Kopp and Nick Mordal pluck and strum in a more than complimentary fashion. Laura and her posse will usher you into a much-needed session of relaxation while simultaneously stimulating the emotional psyche, inevitably inducing memories of sweet times and the sweet people with whom they associate. Check out Laura’s previously released album Seduction Lullaby on the group’s Bandcamp for a dose of semi-surreal folky fluidity.
Provided below are links to the band’s Website (you can be linked directly to their Bandcamp, Facebook, and Instagram pages through the website’s homepage):
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-Article by Seth Hynes-Marquette