Saturday, July 26, 2014

Dred I Dread Returns To Live From Studio 5!

Yah Mon

By Dewglass

dred_i_dread     There are lots of things to worry about on a live show.
Not the least of which is having to replace the host at the last minute.  Cher Dial was out on a planned break.  Casey Moo had another commitment, but gave us a replacement, Max Nelson.  The Thug was quite apprehensive about just throwing anybody on the air as your replacement but Max came highly-recommended and he turned out to be a top-notch representative of the evening.  And as fate would have it, Nicole Jean Rode beamed in from the outer rim of the galaxy, and got herself a new name, Nicole Jean Rowdy.
dred comp222

     Enter The Mighty Dread I Dread, and the studio was full to capacity.  This seven member group of premier Reggae masters brought a horn section, and stamped the music with some signature guitar effects, making it must hear music.  A little bird told me that Dred I Dread is not getting any air play on KFAI.  So dear readers, please go to KFAI on Facebook, and lobby the station, and your favorite program to play these guys.
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Dred I Dread is: Rawle G, Peewee Dread, Serdar G, Paul Kammeyer, Alex Cole Jr., Todd Baer, and Joe Mayo.

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Dred I Dread 049This group spans the globe, from Jamaica to Turkey, New Orleans and beyond.
Dred I Dread 050     With influences from punk to funk, this is exciting Reggae packed with surprises.  They hit all the groves, and threw in vocal harmonies that had the whole studio dancing.  Check these guys out, find 'em, fan 'em, go see 'em live, and fill up your digital library with their tunes.
Your support for "Live From Studio 5!" and those who share their music is vital.

Dred I Dread 030Share this blog, and tell everyone you know about the show and Dred I Dread.  I challenge you to give this band a major shot in the arm and make their numbers go crazy.  Tell 'em "Live From Studio 5!" sent you.
Here is the video from “Live From Studio 5!” added to our You Tube Channel featuring The return engagement of Dred I Dread and was originally broadcast on July 23, 2014 and hosted by Nicole Jean “Rowdy” and Max Nelson.
Their first appearance on our show was on October 26, 2011 and it was GREAT to have them back! Here is the video from that show: (No horn section)
The show is normally hosted by Cher Dial, Casey Moo, Dew Glass and Doug The Thug and is heard Wednesday nights from 10 to midnight on KFAI, 90.3 FM Minneapolis and 106.7 St. Paul and on the Internet at
Check out the Flickr pix from that show here:
If you missed that show you can hear it on our FOREVER archives here:
IMPORTANT MESSAGE:  In a few months KFAI will be BROKE, so PLEASE click here ANYTIME to show your support and avert that catastrophe:

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Eclectic Ensemble On Live From Studio 5!

Audio Painting

By Dewglass

July 16, 2014

The Eclectic Ensemble Returned to Live From Studio 5!

“Live From Studio 5!” is hosted by Cher Dial, Casey Moo, Dew Glass and Doug The Thug and is heard Wednesday nights from 10 to midnight on KFAI, 90.3 FM Minneapolis and 106.7 St. Paul and on the Internet at

The Eclectic Ensemble’s return engagement to our show included a LIGHT SHOW.  Casey Moo got to the heart of the matter and dubbed the music "painting with sound".  The experience was like watching a symphony composed in real time.

The light show was a first for the show, adding an extra element to the performance. The Eclectic Ensemble consists of Tim Donahue, Director and bass guitar, percussion, sound effects, Charlie Henrikson, guitar, violin, effects  and John Vance  Synth, keys, and effects.
The trio works with others on various projects, such as Lady Tobalyas but these three are the core.
(Here is the show featuring Tim and Lady T:

You can listen to the rebroadcast, or visit YouTube for a sample.
Please check em out on facebook, and go experience them in person.
They have a wonderful way of bringing music to public spaces.
Music Of The Sun (MOTS) is a mobile, solar- and bicycle-powered outdoor improvisational ambient music series that happens for the love of Minneapolis, public space and art infused social interaction. Five times throughout July and August 2014, The Eclectic Ensemble will load a full range PA system and instruments into three custom-built bicycle trailers and pedal to various metro-area locations to perform for free to the public. Performances happen any time during daylight hours, last 60 minutes, and can occur on any day of the week. Music Of The Sun performances are weather sensitive and announced  three to five  days in advance. Rain postpones performances. To be informed of MOTS performances you can become a fan of The Eclectic Ensemble on Facebook or, to receive updates via email,  contact stating your interest.
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
Check out the Flickr pix from that show here:
If you missed that show you can hear it now on our FOREVER archives here:

IMPORTANT MESSAGE:  In a few months KFAI will be BROKE, so PLEASE click here ANYTIME to show your support and avert that catastrophe:

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Lone Crows on Live From Studio 5!

The Lone Crows Rock Studio 5 Again!

By Dewglass, with a little help from his friends.

   On "Live From Studio 5!"  the bottom line is the music.  The last time we heard The Lone Crows was February 20th of last year.  Since then the guys invaded Europe, and returned to us with brand new music.  The new album, Dark Clouds is available on CD, and vinyl, as well as your favorite download file.
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    On the first performance, there were only three Crows, Julian Manzara was finishing up some educational details.
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This time with the full complement, Tim Barbeau on Lead Vocals and Guitar, Julian Manzara, Guitar, Andy Battcher on the Bass and Joe Goff doing the drumming, the Crows filled the studio with their signature sound.
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There was some movin' and shakin' going on, so go see 'em live, maybe they would invite you on stage for some rug cutting.
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There were a few glitches due to equipment and human error, but the guys did not miss a beat.
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    Up close and personal, these guys are laid back and personable.
If they know how good they are, they are not letting it go to their heads.
As the Crows grow and continue to explore Blues Rock Lone Crows Style, I can imagine even greater stuff.  I would like to see the Crows and several other groups and artists get together for a super group project.  Maybe about 15 members, a crazy mix of instruments and vocals. And ……
well, maybe some time in the future, but something to think about.  Minnesota, and Minneapolis in particular are highly collaborative places, I can’t help but encourage that.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook.
Please go to for info, links and upcoming shows.
If you missed this show you can hear it from ANYWHERE on the planet at ANYTIME on our FOREVER archives here:
This show was originally broadcast on July 9, 2014.
Here are the Flickr Pix for that performance:
The You Tube video of this performance is here:

"Live From Studio 5!" is retooling and needs your help, from social media, blogging, reporting, web promotions and more. Photographers, videographers, editors, flesh out your portfolio and help the musicverse. Stage managers on air, behind the scenes, help us do more, and expand the show to new heights. To do this we need dedicated people, sponsors and equipment so that we can do more recorded live shows.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE:  In a few months KFAI will be BROKE, so PLEASE click here ANYTIME to show your support and avert that catastrophe: