Rare Phorm Returns
Or Country vs Urban
RARE PHORM is a phenomenon that returned to"Live From Studio 5!" after a year’s absence and they heated up the studio.
Are they the same group? Some changes were made to the lineup:
Steve Naples, vocals & guitar, Roger Olds, vocals, bass, Dewey Sundstrom, drums, percussion and Dave Juilfs, vocals, tambourine and bass.
Out of the Pequot lakes area, near Brainerd, comes a working band, driving at least three hours to appear on the show.
The downside to not being in the city is fewer connections with the Twin Cities music community.
It’s not a bad thing to prefer a smaller area, and it no longer has to be a handicap, thanks to the digital age.
I thought I was the last holdout, every time I think I got things figured out, they change it. I persevere, because it is so damn useful. So I would encourage any band in need of a boost to ask for suggestions as to who might help. Minnesota is truly supportive of the arts, and music, one needs to take advantage of that and see where it can take you, for your group and the community as well.
Before the show I think there were a few nerves, but everyone handled it like a trooper. There were a few technical problems, noisy cables and the like, and our headphones couldn't give them any vocals, so nobody knew how they sounded.
(Hint, hint, how about a fundraiser to upgrade kfai, and "Live From Studio 5!" equipment. We need at least five bands and a venue, we can fill so we get a good chunk after expenses.)
During the show, it is hard to know how it’s going, as for me all I get is snippets here and there and my focus is on the next thing. So upon review the next day, I’d say it was a great show.
One thing though, these guys are in need of some TLC, as they are not plugged in to the World Wide Web. I’m working on that, so give 'em a listen and join their group on Facebook, encourage your favorite venue to have them do a show or two.
The fellas' original stuff was great, even the cover Dirty Deeds was nicely done. They were loud, of course, that’s what rock bands are, and Steve told me later that he toned it down a bit. I’ll take his word for it.
I did feel kind of bad after the show, knowing they would have to drive for the next three hours. Perhaps if we can get them booked into the cities, for a few gigs in a row, some kind musician or studio owner can put them up for the duration.
Check out the show here, for up to two weeks ,scroll down to the Rare Phorm poster and hit listen, and soon they will be available in the forever archive. (A new feature on "Live From Studio 5!" Doug the Thug is feverishly working on that, but we have over 150 shows to do, as well as the new ones so if any of you want to volunteer to help contact doug@dougthethug.com
For now you will have to go to their official fan page for the latest on Rare Phorm here:
Links, pix, competition and much more can be found there.
Find their Flickr picks here
The YouTube performance video can be viewed here
And so my fellow readers, ask not what the band can do for you, ask what you can do for the band.