Saturday, April 20, 2013

From The Lips & Heart of Dew Glass

   I have an interest in volunteering for Live From Studio 5! because it gets me out of the house, and keeps me out of trouble.  There is just something about doing a job you are passionate about.
     Sure, you would like to be compensated for your efforts, and even though you are not paid, you are rewarded in other ways.
     When you see a band who has been on your show win a contest, or get invited to tour, you feel like you have a little piece in that.  Doing a live show each week is challenging to say the least.
     However, doing our best to meet that challenge is what keeps us coming back each week, and working behind the scenes throughout the week.  We live in a fickle selfish world, who would do well to see where they could give back a little.  If you are successful, all the more reason you should reach out and help those climbing the ladder behind you.
     For me, the show is the thing, so I park my ego at the door and try to get one for the gipper.
Sometimes we get a winner, sometimes not so much, it's live so that's just the nature of the beast.
     I have learned, and continue to learn a great deal from our founders, MJ Gilmore and Doug The Thug.   Live From Studio 5! will soon turn 3 years old, I have not been here for the first two years, but I am more than willing to help celebrate.  As part of KFAI Radio Without Boundaries, this show will thrive and continue, based on member support.  We need your contributions, in finances, volunteers, listener support and comments.
     So don't be shy, and spread the word about Live From Studio 5!, programming and events.
Got suggestions?  Bring em on, feedback is the only way for us to improve and give you what you want.  I believe Live From Studio 5! is a great resource, for the community, listeners, bands and artists, as well as live show venues.
     We do what we do with an amazingly tiny crew, each week turning out a two hour show and video on You Tube.
     Each week we close the show with a request for anyone who wants to become part of our little family.  So far we have had no response, from this query, perhaps that is when the tuner is switched off.  The more volunteers we can bring on board, the less stress there is for the rest of us, and we will be able to expand into, blogging, music news, video partnerships with other non profits.
     Not that the show isn’t great, but we must strive to be better, to do more.  That is where you come in.  You can do it as part of an internship, as a resource, crew member, the list goes on and on.  We could also use someone skilled in marketing underwriting messages.  Live From studio 5! should be underwritten by venues, band gear and recording equipment businesses, music education, etc.  That extra boost will help us get new equipment, add video production, and more.
    This may be a dream right now, but one you can help make a reality.  Hopefully, before I leave the show in a puff of smoke, I hope to see a strong sustained program that can be handed down to the next generation of 5! ers.
    And so my fellow Live From Studio 5! ers, Ask not what 5! can do for you, Ask What You Can Do For Your 5!
All we are Saying Is Give 5! A Chance
The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Non Involvement.
Can't think of any more slogans to rip off.

Friday, April 19, 2013



Greetings beloved "Live From Studio 5!" Listeners and supporters, Dewglass here, diving in where angels fear to tread.

I wear several hats in life.  On "Live From Studio 5"! I am a producer, announcer, promoter, videographer and water boy.
Attrition, and inability to find new dedicated volunteers, has left us without a blogger, and more help in all areas is always welcome.

So I offer my attempt in the hopes that a real blogger will read this and hate it so much, they will be willing to help.
I started a blog called Liquid Music Blogosphere, that also needs writers, as I don't have time for that ether.
This is the secret behind why I call myself the reluctant blogger.

Should this piece motivate you to help "Live From Studio 5!", please, please get in touch.
You can review the show in studio, via live stream, or through the archives.
Any way you want, live music reviews and news would be awesome as well.

In case you are unfamiliar with "Live From Studio 5!", It's a weekly live music program.
The Show airs on KFAI 90.3 & 106.7 FM every Wednesday night at 10pm.
The Show is approaching its third anniversary, and has been a real asset to the community, and the Live Music scene.  Not only live music emanates from the "Live From Studio 5!" studios, but a You Tube channel with great pieces of each show.
Visit the "Live From Studio 5!" page on for links to the Face Book page, Flickr Pics, And KFAIROCKS, the You Tube Channel.

As an all-volunteer effort, "Live From Studio 5!" always needs new and talented blood, to continue and grow into something even more awesome.
So if your Wednesday nights are free, along with time here and there during the week, let us know, and become part of our little family.
We would also like to add music reporters, to our crew, help us support the local music scene with reporting on what's going on out there.

Wed night, April 17, not just another spring night. Spring? Not this year, not yet!
Our Studio was graced with the talents of The Broken Bicycles, a new incarnation of Thomas Maddux. Who also plays in Elefaunt and His traveling Circus.

As The Broken bicycles, they were slated for the first half of the show, with a classical guitar set by Universal Strumming, Jay Gordon coming in the second hour but  as fate would have it, Jay had car trouble, and the band stepped up and helped us out by finishing the show with great style.
Jay, we will definitely reschedule you for a later date.
The performance will be archived for the next two weeks on, go to the "Live From Studio 5!" page and select the April 17 date.
It was a fun show and well worth a listen, or a re-listen.
A video of “ Looking Glass “ is available on KFAIROCKS here: 

I don't want to say much more about the show, as I would rather you give a listen, and take a look.
Don't take my word for it, but I think you will like it.
Check out the band and support them on Face Book etc, tell em "Live From Studio 5!" sent ya.
That's it for now, dear readers, I will be signing off for now.
Tune in next week For Voodoo and more news from the studio 5! closet.
This blog post will also be reposted at
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rants, Raves and Threats by our Founder

    Hi, I’m Doug deMille, aka DTT, co-host and co-founder along with MJ Gilmore of L5.  I hate to come across as a dark cloud on a day when everyone else is happy and enthusiastic about pledge drive but something’s just not right and it’s bugging me to distraction.

    I’ve been putting my whole life into L5 now for almost three years and up until about three months ago I wasn’t too discouraged about lack of support.  But certain events in life cause perspectives to change.   During that time I literally stared death in the eyes and almost didn’t come back.  So a person tends to reevaluate their priorities in life.  Now I have faced death a number of times before.  Such as looking down the barrel of a gun and getting shot at.  Flying my plane into a tornado and walking away from a crash landing and even being held hostage in a whorehouse in Bogota, Columbia, just to name a few.
     But those were my fault due to my own choices. 
     So now I’m back, on the air and trying to regain my old enthusiasm.  But unfortunately, I have about 25% of my old energy.  Things kept piling up while I was gone, videos didn’t get done, posters didn’t get made I used to spend a good 40 hours per week on L5, loving every second of it.
Now Spring is coming, am I gonna have a garden this year?  I’d hate to give that up but how can I do L5 AND a garden in this condition?  Not to mention all the things that didn’t get done while I was down and out.
     In preparation for this pledge drive last week I spent two whole days sending out FB thingys to all the bands who were on our show, prepping them to call in pledges last week and have their fans do the same.  I showed them all the perks L5 provided them with.  A poster, A video, Flickr pix, NOT to mention almost two hours of live radio time and I sent the links to all of them.  Boy, that should do it!
     I guess not.  Almost no response.
     So a couple days later I sent them another e mail telling them they could still pledge on line since they missed the live show.  Still almost nothing. 
     So now what??  Luckily L5 gets TWO pledge drive nights this year so this is it folks!  If the phones don’t start ringing off the hook at 612-375-9030 in a few minutes as much as I hate to think about it, we’re going to seriously have to think about pulling the plug on this great show.
     Now I know that my faithful and dedicated staff will say NO WAY but we need more people to take up the slack.  I have zero complaints about our regulars.  Doog must work full time at this by the looks of his creativity and output.  MJ and Clay have full-time jobs and more.  Georgia works full-time AND has her own KFAI show requiring four hours of live radio.  I’d keep this up if I felt it mattered to anyone but a few people.
     Most people can afford a measly $25 pledge.  If you are destitute, that’s different, God bless ya, hang in there.  But we have had over 40,000 hits on our You Tube videos alone.  I know you’re out there! 
     We don’t have commercials.
     Bills need to be paid.
     Equipment needs fixing.
     The government wants to cut back what little support we get already so it’s up to you, our supporters, our listeners to pitch in and cough it up.  Every little bit helps. You are on line now so you can still go to and send us some do-re-mi

Oh and don’t forget to mention L5 sent you.